Saturday, July 5, 2008

religulous-- a film by bill maher.

after watching the trailer to this film, i headed over to the imdb boards to see what i expected to see-- you just can't help but become fascinated by all the complaints, debates, and witty comebacks that people are throwing at each other on that message board. it's absolute war. and that's the sad thing. there's ignorance on every side.

honestly-- to see this film being made, makes me upset. and no, it's not because i'm a believer. i just don't see why maher needs to justify his views through a film. there is no doubt that he has an athiestic agenda. in an interview with larry king, he clearly proposes that this is a documentary told from an atheist's point of view. maher hopes that the audience will laugh along with his journey because religion (like politics) is just so "inherently funny." well, there is no doubt that this is going to please the crowds.

michael moore made a film about how horrible our president was. but even people who did not support bush found the film absurd. even atheiests will find religulous absurd.

i get that maher is a comedian who has the freedom of speech. the problem is-- he is only on one side here. if his agenda was to build a reasonable debate between opposite views on the subject of religion-- then that would've made a worthy documentary.

the sad thing is that maher is a celebrity who has the star power, time, and money to produce a film like religulous. honestly, this guy is no different then any other average joe who gets heated up on religious topics on your (imdb) message boards.

great.. i really hope that no one gets the bright idea of making a documentary film on proving how "ridiculous" athiesm is. that would be just as bad.

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